
6th Nov — 19th Dec

Tue — Sat, 2 pm — 6 pm
Thu, 2 pm — 7 pm

Pavillon Carré de Baudouin

Trapped I Cut off I Confined

Sara Farid & Alaa Sndyan

In 2019, 140 women were killed by their spouses in France. “The number of calls received by the helpline for victims of domestic violence jumped by about 400% between the week of 9th March 2020 (before lockdown) and the week of 20th April 2020 (during lockdown). []

A long time feminist, Sara Farid used to think, before her exile, that so-called “civilized” and less macho societies guaranteed a better fate for women. In Pakistan, it is common for women to be immolated or beaten to death by their husbands. Upon arriving in Paris, the photographer discovered the number of feminicides registered in France. She documented the protest movements, specially the feminist demonstration of the 23rd of November of 2019 that condemned the feminicides. In this work she goes in search of victims’ families, meets Hélène de Ponsay and Sandrine Bouchait, whose sisters had been murdered by their husbands. She recreates violence scenes based on real cases, in collaboration with a makeup artist Deya Al Ashkar : “The fallen women”.

Photographs by Sara Farid* (Pakistan). Makeup Deya Al Ashkar* (Syria).
*member of the agency of artists in exile
