Behind the door

Liudmyla Vatrych 

Born in 1988 in Kitsman, Ukraine, Liudmyla Vatrych is a painter. She graduated from the Art School of Kitsman in 2003, then from the Institute of Applied and Decorative Arts from the National Academy of Lviv in 2011. She starts her artistic career doing exhibitions for the cities of Ternopil and Tchernivtsi. In 2016, because of the conflicts between pro-Russian rebels and the Ukrainian government she seeks refuge in France. Her paintings are exhibited by the agency of artists in exile that she joins in 2018.

Andry Vatrych 

Born in 1983 in Kamyanka, Ukraine, Andriy Vatrych, is a photographer. Apart from his studies in computer network engineering at the University of Tchernivtsi (Ukraine), he becomes a self-taught photographer.
